Friday, November 1, 2013

Two weeks!

So I have officially two weeks left of school. I don't officially graduate until December 15th, however I present my final project on the 24th of this month and I'm done. I'm done with four hour long night classes during the week, I'm done buying textbooks, writing papers, doing tons of reading and research every night. I'm done with spending my lunch break trying to finish homework, done trying to work full time and go to school full time.

But I have to admit, I'm kind of sad. I mean--I have been a student for the past seven years. I've loved the people I've met in my program. I'm going to miss challenging myself and proving to others that I can do it. I'm not sure what I am going to do with all my free time.

I'm also going to miss nights like this.....
(disregard the face my husband is making)

Nights where we spend locked up in a study room, just sitting across from each other working on our homework. The other night when we were in here I actually got kind of sad that I wouldn't have an excuse to tag along to the law school with him after I present this project.

Wish me luck to get through these next 2 weeks with my sanity intact!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Should I even make an excuse?

Life has been busy. And every now and then this summer I would think to myself that I should try and blog a little bit when I had free time, that way I had something to look back on in a couple years to remember this summer. My last summer as a student, the summer I lived by myself and had a 'commuter marriage' with my husband, the summer that I spent soaking up all the free time I possibly could.

I know I had mentioned at some point I was working on a big paper for one of my classes. Well....I finally finished it.
115 pages. 35, 600 some odd words. 3 months and hundreds of hour of my life later it is done. I am not going to lie when I was working on this I could not wait to be done. However, when I turned it in I felt a little sad. I put some much time and energy into this assignment, needless to say, I was extremely proud of myself for getting this done.

My husband has been out of town quite a bit this summer for a clerkship he is doing. To say it has been tough is an understatement. However, even though this sucked--the whole experience has only made us closer. I am very excited for this week to get over though so he can finally be home!

I've also been making a conscious effort to spend more time with those I love. Saying yes to last minute invitations for nights out with friends. Planning endless lake trips. And dancing with my love late into the night.

Lately I've been finding myself feeling so grateful and blessed for the life I've been able to live! So if I don't pop in for awhile it's because I've decided to start living life again :)

Till next time,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Balancing Act

Life has been so hectic lately, I feel like every time I look at the calendar I'm exclaiming how I can't believe it's already March, April, and now May! I feel like I am spending so much time trying to catch up so I can finally slow down that time is flying by without me. 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but I am in the final stages of finishing my Masters degree and will *hopefully* graduate in December 2013. When I first started the program my official graduation date was May 2014, however I'm at a point in my life where school is the last of my list of priorities. You see I have been in school (nonstop) for the last 7 years. I took a full course load every semester and summer session offered and during my time at undergraduate I worked 3 different jobs to help pay for my schooling. When I graduated undergrad I accepted a full time position and started grad school full time 2 weeks after I graduated.

Since I moved my graduation date up by 5 months I've been doubling up on classes and it is finally catching up with me. I am currently finishing up a 'pre-assingment' that will end up being 120 pages in written response--and it is taking up all my time! I miss cooking supper, cleaning my house, playing with my puppy, and spending quality time with my husband.

Because I have been so busy I feel like I am missing out on the little things in life-the things that make life worth living. I've decided that I am going to make time for those little things...
- I am going to make time to cook supper with my husband
- I'll get up a little earlier to take Lola for a walk. And get up early on Saturday mornings to take her to the dog park
- I'll accept that invitations from friends to catch up and hang out and not feel guilty about not studying on a Saturday night
- I'll spend my lunch breaks reading the paper instead of reading homework assignments

I'm so close to being down, I just need to keep reminding myself that to keep sane the next 7 months I need to make time to enjoy life as well.  

How do you balance work/school and personal commitments? This is something I've always struggled with!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend Update

I can't believe another weekend had come and gone. The past week was so busy (just like all the others) that it flew by!

My little baby graduated from puppy training...
 Proud parents!
Lola did awesome and passed with flying colors!

We went and saw some basketball with my best friend and her husband.

Even though we lost, it was still a fun time! When I was in undergrad I never went to a basketball game (we are a football school after all) however, I went one other time when Nebraska played Kansas- the games are ok, but I much prefer Memorial Stadium to the Davaney Center any day!

And last but not least, went to Winter Fest! I always love trying new brews and there were so many this year! My favorite was by far an apple ginger beer---simply amazing! I'm still trying to find where they sell it in town so I can stock up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weekend Update

I usually never say this but thank goodness it is Monday. Last week was so exhausting! Since moving up my graduation date a couple months I have been trying to get as many classes completed as I can before I start my last 4 classes of my capstone. In order to knock one out before I started a new term Tuesday I decided to take a flex term=an 8 week term completed in 6 days. Last week I worked 40 hours at my day job and spent 35 hours in class. That equals one very, very, very exhausted Dani come Saturday evening!

However, to brighten my mood two of my favorite little kids came over to hang out and we had a fun night of watching Power Rangers and goofing off. Sunday I spent all day laying around, getting caught up on chores, and going to bed before 10.

I’m so excited to get back into a regular routine of work, class, and meals every night. I have so many different things going on this week, I am so excited! Tomorrow I start my most dreaded class of the program (International Economics and Business), Wednesday a Husker basketball game with my husband, best friends, and her husband, Thursday Lola is graduating from puppy kindergarten, and one of my favorite events of the year is on Friday—Winter Ale Festival.

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred last night....holy soreness!!! This lady knows what is up!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It cannot possibly be the 2nd week of 2013 already....holy cow! Like so many others, this last year has flown by. I realize I am a little late jumping on this band wagon, but on NYE my husband and I sat down and wrote down some goals as a couple and individually.

1.) Increase our savings account
2.) Take a trip together-- planning one as we speak for May, June, and August!
3.) Eat dinner together, at our table, at least 3 times a week
4.) Continue to encourage and support one another

Personal Goals:
1.) Write more (blog, freelance, etc)
2.) Become more organized!
3.) Start and end each day grateful for what I have
4.) Get into an exercise routine I can stick with
5.) Graduate with my Masters- DECEMBER 2013!!!! :)
6.) Spend more time with my family

Nothing extravagant, but this year I am focusing on taking the clutter out of my life and living simply- already off to a great start!

Any specific resolutions you have?
Excited to see what 2013 has in store for us!